
Wednesday, February 19, 2014



Getting Closer

As a mother, I would always like to see both my daughters talk and play with each other every single day. I can still remember at once hub kept worrying on the matter of my daughters often quarrelling with among themself. To me I do not think it is an serious issue as which sibling do not quarrel?  Even hub and I did quarrel with our brothers during our childhood time.  I know both of them will certainly getting closer when they are growing up. But to my surprise, I notice that recently quarrel and arguments are rarely seen among both of them. On the other hand, I noticed they are always compromising with each other. Mei Mei will accompany Jie Jie while Jie Jie is on her prefect's duty. Today I see Mei Mei is helping Jie Jie to carry her school bag.
All this happened after I refrain them from watching TV during the school days. Previously, Jie Jie was too addicted to TV programmes and did not spend much time playing with Mei Mei. This had caused dissatisfaction from Mei Mei towards Jie Jie. Thus, Mei Mei always find excuses and chances to criticise and argue with Jie Jie. But now I am so happy to see Jie Jie spends more time playing with Mei Mei and I believe they will be getting closer and closer in the future.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

My Valentines

We got a big surprise from our princesses on this valentine's day.

Hubby and I were away on last weekend and guess what? Our sweeties took the whole Sunday morning to make a handicraft for us. It was our most precious and priceless valentine's present that we ever had. Thank you very much sweeties!


十八年了,从相恋,结婚到现在,我们们都不太有正视这众情侣所重视的节日。由于相恋的时候正处在求学阶段,没钱买玫瑰,我们的情人节都是去当时的超市买了一整只烤鸡和一瓶的Sparkling回家当着烛光晚餐来庆祝。一只烤鸡当时只卖九块多,就这样十多块钱就可以是让我现在还回味无穷的"情人大餐"。反观是等到结婚候,经济上也比较许可了我们却从没庆祝过。原因是几乎每一年的这一天老公都得上课。一直去年还是前年(你看我都忘了,可见这节日对我来说不太重要),老公送了我一束也不知道有多少支的玫瑰。今年,刚巧遇到老公要出坡工作,我为了要陪他驾车才有机会渡过两人的情人节。 我们随意的找了间咖啡厅,订了情人套餐。就这样花了150多块钱渡过了我们十八年以来第一次在外庆祝的两人情人节。

老实说我的感想是,这样的庆祝方式对我来说没有像我之前所说的庆祝方式来的让人难以忘怀。不知道为什么,总觉得这情人节其实是让人有多一个借口来消费,让商家们多一个赚钱的节日。两个人若是相知,相爱到相惜,又何必得在玫瑰花特贵,套餐坐地起价的时候庆祝情人节呢? 要买花买首饰,平时也可以买,要吃一餐以示感恩对方平时也可以去吃。还不需要预订,更不需要花大笔的钱来庆祝,不值得,我是这样觉得。

无论如何,我还是要感恩老公安排了这一次的情人套餐。更要谢谢我的两宝贝,趁爸妈不在家的三天里做了一个摆设品送给我们做情人节礼物。我想对老公和宝贝们说,谢谢你们的陪伴, 你们的陪伴才是我最最好的情人节礼物。

Thursday, February 6, 2014

